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Operation Hope


Sitting here, I am thankful for my dark moments last week.


I had felt hopeless in a situation in my life and felt that there was no way to fix it.


Nothing was working in my business, or so it felt that way, I was not seeing the numbers I wanted in a bunch of different areas all I saw in that moment was what I didn’t have.


Instead of focusing on what I did have.

This put me into a bit of a tailspin, but even in the moments where I thought about quitting and not saying anything to anyone but just walking away from it, I reached out.


I reached out to my tribe, and I re-read some kind words from a mentor of mine. In reading those words, I got one spark back.


In reaching out to my friends, I got another spark back.


In doing the work I know to do when I have anxious moments, I got another spark back.

Taking my deep breaths to restart my nervous system.

Allowing myself to feel what I was feeling without judgment.

Pausing and allowing myself to be still and quiet my mind.

Journaling out my thoughts and feelings and listening for any postive messages that came to my mind.


In following my steps, I have used for over half a decade I had one of the biggest breakthroughs which I needed.


I started to see my situation differently, the flood gates opened.

I have been asked several times what this is all for. Why am I doing what I am doing?

I wrote my book The Overcomer Facing Challenges with Faith and Courage because I wanted people to know that if I can get through this hard moment in life, anyone can, that in these dark moments, they don’t have to go it alone.

By hearing my story not to give up because we all go through things in life, and sharing our story gives others hope as well.

I started my shows so that people would know they are never alone, that if people heard story after story of being unstoppable and overcoming that, they would never give up.

I have joined several veteran organizations over the last two years after I heard that at the beginning of our journey, 22 veterans a day were dying by suicide. That number has doubled instead of getting better.

I was on a call on Friday, and one of the veterans shared that he needed to find his purpose again after losing his 10-year-old son to cancer. My heart stopped. He wanted to know that he wasn’t alone and that he had been facing dark days, and all he wanted was to hear that someone else had gone through it and to help him find his purpose in life again.

I shared with him my dad’s story. During the nine days of hell, we sat beside his bedside and watched him die. The emotions, the ups and downs, and the comment I made to my mom the one day when I said, “Mom, we are going through this to help someone else later.”

I found out why we did go through those 9 days on Friday. So I can relate to that veteran who was holding on to some kind of hope that someone else had gone through it and can share with him that he wasn’t alone. He is now part of our crazy family, and we gave hope back to that veteran that day.


That is why I do what I do.

Then I opened my Facebook again today and saw that we had lost another person to suicide in our town again. It seems like it’s a daily occurrence since Covid has hit our town and Country.


People have lost all hope.

Hence why, my purpose. To bring HOPE back to the people. I have shared story after story on my shows about people getting hope back and overcoming, yet it's not enough.

So, I am stepping up my game. I have been getting a clear vision of save the one. Focus on the one.

Some days that one is me, some days that one is someone else.

If I save one and give the tools one person needs, that person can help another person. I will reach the ripple effect of millions by focusing on the one.

With that being said, I have opened up my coaching practice again.

Since just talking about it isn’t enough, now we must help heal this nation one person at a time.

I am offering 1:1 sessions and group sessions. If you are struggling to find hope and ready to do the work to find that hope, please reach out to me.

When working with me, you can expect:

·  FUN and light-heartedness!  I believe that laughter and seeing the bright side can help us navigate through life's toughest challenges, and I bring this into every coaching conversation.

·         Honest feedback 

·         Programs built to suit your specific needs.

·         A roadmap to get you to where you want.

·         Zero judgment zone.


If you are someone who wants change and wants to get hope back into your life and situations, and the above is someone you want to work with, DM me today for your free 30-minute consultation. I can't wait to work with you.


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