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Day 25 of 25 Days of Christmas, the gifts my ancestors gave me.


Family, traditions, and spending time with each other are the greatest gift of all.

Over the last 25 days, I have shared some special gifts that my ancestors have passed

down to me.

God had me reflect these last 25 days to remind me that just because a lot of my family

isn’t here, it doesn’t mean it has to be a sad time.

Remember the gifts they have left behind as a legacy to our family.

From sledding to Santa and everything in between, they were all special times.

This time of the year, we can get caught up in the madness that Christmas can be, but

we truly forget that the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.

It’s something we take for granted, and when they are not here, we get caught up in that

they are not here to celebrate with us.

We often forget what Christmas represents: the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. A baby

born to take away our sins.

We get caught up in so much stuff that doesn’t even matter, and we truly forget about

the true meaning of this day.

If you are breathing and on this side of the dirt, I would take a minute to reflect and

Thank Jesus. You are still here, at least for one more day.

If you think there is no way Jesus would ever listen to you, you are wrong. No matter

what you think you may have done that was so bad that he would turn away, I

promise you are wrong. He is just waiting for you to make the first move.

He will not come into your life uninvited.

One of the greatest blessings in my life has been to accept him into my heart. It’s also

been one of the greatest mysteries as well.

He doesn’t promise your life will be perfect; he promises he will use those times for

good though.

So, if you’re going through a season when the waves feel like crushing you,

you’re in the right place. You must experience these moments to appreciate the

good times truly.

You will also realize that they may also be meant so that you can help others out that

have been in a similar situation.

Trust me when I tell you I have had more than my fair share of moments over the years

to question why I am here and why God didn’t stop it.

But then, once I found someone who was going through the same thing, I knew why. It

was to help them through it as well.

I encourage you all to be kind to one another; you never know what someone is going


Your act of kindness can save a life. You would give that person hope again in

moments when it feels hopeless. That is the true spirit of Christmas.

Let’s lift each other.

Can you think of a time when you have helped someone through a situation or where

someone has helped you out?

I shared mine in yesterday’s blog. When I give to someone, whether it’s time or

money, I have the greatest reward of all. When I focus on someone else instead of my

needs, I get as much out of it as they do.

I encourage you today to forgive those who have hurt you to share the true meaning of

Christmas and to make sure you take care of yourself as well.

Be kind and safe out there.

Merry Christmas!



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