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Day 20 out of 25 Days of Christmas, the gifts my ancestors gave to me.



On my mom’s side, her mom had five siblings. They lived in a small house on Forest Ave in Windsor, ON.

The brothers and sisters would always get together, and if there was no poker game, perogies or sometimes cookies would be made.

My Aunt Shirly made the best thimble cookies around.

It's funny, but when I think of this group, I think of love, laughter, and memories.

They never argued. They liked teasing each other and were always there for each other.

You never heard a bad word about any of them. They loved each other and were always around each other.

They have passed on their perogies-making skills to us. My brother and I got together last year with our mom, my hubby, and my brother's girlfriend at the time, and we made a massive batch of perogies for everyone. My Uncle learned about it, and now he wants to join us this year along with my step-son.

What traditions do you have in your family that are passed down to you? I would love to hear about them.

Remembering these good times over the last twenty days has given me a new perspective on my family and brought them closer to me. They don’t feel like they are not here with me.

We also get to create new memories with our families; what new traditions are you making for your family?

With love and gratitude,




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