Forgiveness is today’s gift my ancestors gave to me. Throughout my life, I have heard some pretty doozy stories within our families.
Some are clearly not mine to tell, but if we were to create a TV series, it would be up there with the good old show Dallas.
To my knowledge, no one has shot anyone like they did J.R. lol.
Yesterday, I discussed our family's marriages and how they never gave up on each other. I only mentioned some of the ones that made it; some didn't.
That doesn’t mean life was perfect for my family.
This means that there were many opportunities for forgiveness within the family.
Don’t forget I come from a pretty large family, if you include all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and the whole Graham, Dykens, Synder, and Almas clan. That doesn’t include the step-side from my grandfather's second marriage.
With a large family comes much practice at forgiveness.
Some of the stories I have shared on our TV Shows are on our YouTube channel and Roku. Please go check out these stories at
Growing up, my dad didn’t find it easy to forgive, and my dad had a very strong personality.
He shaped us and moulded us to his way of thinking, but the older he got, the more he learned to change his stance on forgiving.
In his afterlife, he sent me an essential message about forgiveness. His message was clear: Forgive the ones who have wronged you. I was floored when I heard this because he did not sometimes forgive quickly.
Sometimes, though we don’t always see the other person's views, not everything is as it seems, and sometimes, in our anger and frustration, all we see is one side.
As we approach this holiday season and the end of the year, I challenge you to forgive the person you have been holding a grudge with. Talk to them to get it out of your system once and for all so that you quit holding the poison within you.
Unforgiveness is like holding onto poison in your body and changes where the other person has no idea that you are even upset with them. It festers inside you and can create medical issues. Learn to let stuff go for you, not for them.
I would love to hear from you if you took this challenge on. Who in your life do you hold a grudge with? Reach out and fix it. FORGIVE them, Father, for they know not what they have done.
With love and gratitude,
