Today’s memories were of the hills at Kingsville park.
As a kid, those hills looked huge. But I remember the one time I almost ended up in the creek at the bottom of one of them.
It was one of my favorite times of the year, and one of my favorite things to do. With my grandparents living across the street from the park it was always fun to go have some fun.
Those were the days of no expectations no worries or doubts. Just simply being a kid.
We would sometimes bring hot chocolate with us.
And there would always be a lot of people there having a good time.
Most of the time my Uncle Jim and his family would come and join us. We used to do a lot of different things with them at one point.
I can close my eyes and remember the wind hitting my face and hearing the laughter of the kids all around me.
Those were not the days of video games and electronics those were the days of get your butt outside and have some fun. Of coarse my dad would always be there with us and taking turns going down the hills will us.
The gifts back then were the presence of each other. The gifts were making memories as a family and then coming back in and watch a good ole Christmas movie.
Life was simple. Life was not keeping up with the Jones. Life was about being together.
Life was about Sunday dinners with the entire family. Life was knowing Grandma was going to burn something, but you knew you would say it was good anyway.
Life was about being there for each other.
Life was about showing each other you loved each other.
Life was about doing as you were told without backtalk.
Life was about ugly gold shag carpeting and old red furniture and the smell of your grandpa’s ink from the basement because he had a printing company.
Life was about getting that call from an aunt or uncle who was on the older side of the world, but through the phone, the connection felt like they were in the room with you.
Life was about taking things easy and not taking them so seriously.
As I write this and remember all the old Christmas times, I would give anything to have one of those times back. And I will once it's my turn to be reunited with my loved ones.
But now I want to create new memories with my family that I have left while I am still here.
I want to bring back those dinners and spend quality time with those I love. I want them to know what they mean to me, to know I appreciate them and that they matter.
So, I challenge you this holiday season: Is there a memory or an old tradition you would like to bring back that you have not done since you were a kid?
I would love to hear about them.
Please check out our YouTube channel if you want something to watch this holiday season. It has inspirational, educational, and funny stories about overcoming life, business, and service. Please check us out and subscribe by going to Unstoppable Overcomers - YouTube.
If you are struggling this holiday season, please get in touch with a friend or trusted loved one.
If the struggle is too much, reach out to 9-8-8.
With love and gratitude,
Dorothy O’Dell
